# Changelog v0.22.2 - [1/1/2025] - Replaced world images for all guns, and renamed some guns. - Switched the game back to Harvest mode. - Removed spread penalty from dual pistols. - New CZ-600 sounds. - Buffed G19 and CZ-75A. - Increased SKS ammo spawn count (30 -> 60). - Buffed Sickle. - Removed 8 rarely used emotes. - Fixed glass automatic doors continuing to play sounds after destroyed. - Fixed loot collisions not checking for layers. - Mobile improvements. - Updated languages (and added a new one). - Tweaked gun casings. v0.22.1 - [12/22/2024] - Switched to Harvest mode. The game will switch back to normal mode Dec 23 at 8 PM EST, then back to Harvest on Dec 31, 8 PM EST. - Fixed badges in the custom team menu not rendering. - Fixed CZ-75A killfeed image scale. - Fixed teammate container UI overlapping with the gas timer. - Fixed teammate container UI scaling incorrectly at some screen sizes. - Fixed game crashes with a language other than English selected. - Fixed some obstacles not having snow in port and large bridge. - Fixed downed players not being able to see door interact messages. - Fixed bullet whiz sounds playing for bullets on different layers. - Fixed the large bridge occasionally spawning in the ocean. - Fixed a bug where the killfeed wouldn't show who finished off a downed player. - Added a new language select dropdown menu. - Gun mounts are now drawn dynamically, freeing up spritesheet space. - Updated Vietnamese and Estonian translations. - Added Brazilian Portuguese translations. - Decreased the emotes' lifetime to 2 seconds (from 4). - Shortened SKS full reload time from 3.2s -> 2.4s. v0.22.0 - [12/10/2024] - Implemented a rate limiting function for Emotes and Team Pings. Continuously spamming emotes or pings will now disable your emote wheel for 5 seconds. - Added a new blue house vault layout. - Added a new warehouse layout. - Fixed an issue where mode/map particles would spawn in underground layers (Note that this might also affect higher-level layers than Ground layer). - Implemented additional code to make event button switching easier. - Fixed the rotation of the two "Dumpster" obstacles in Port. - Pallets can now be destroyed (with explosions only). - Reworked sickle's swing animation. - Fixed the scale of team/item-requesting emotes (Cola, Medikit, Gauze, Tablets and the ammos). - Added an exclusive Donatr badge. It can be obtained by donating to the game and messaging a game manager. - Added new guns: blr (5.56mm low-capacity DMR), rgs (5.56mm high-capacity sniper rifle). - Replaced cz-600 with rgs in red tugboat's crate. - Updated the loot images for the following guns: tango 51, cz-75a, flues, mini-14, mosin-nagant, model 37, hp-18, m16a4. - Changed the name of VSS to "VSS Vintorez". - Changed the name of PP-19 to "PP-19 Vityaz". - Changed the world image of cz-75a. - Added new obstacles: ice pick case, frozen crate, red gift, green gift, blue gift, black gift, purple gift (winter map only). - Added new skins: light choco, frosty (winter map only). - Added new building: celebration place (winter map only). - Reworked Ice Pick (obtainable only in winter map now). - Removed the singular christmas tree spawn from the winter map (spawns in celebration place now). ## Balance changes - Lewis Gun - Damage increased to 16.5 (from 16). - Fire delay decreased to 115 (from 120). - Speed penalty changed to 0.7x (from 0.65x) - Obstacle multiplier reduced to 2 (from 2.5). - Vector - Damage decreased to 9 (from 10). v0.21.7 - [11/17/2024] - Fixed glitched river generation. - Teammates' C4 is now colored. - Fixed C4 exploding after destroyed. - Added an emote. - Minor optimizations. - Adjusted MP40 loot and killfeed sprites. v0.21.6 - [11/13/2024] - Fixed 2x scopes not dropping. - Fixed badges having the wrong file path. - Fixed mobile home windows having a hitbox after destroyed. - Recolored pine tree sprite. - Updated sickle animation. - Fixed play button text alignment. - Reduced ammo spawn amounts for MG36 and M16A4. v0.21.5 - [11/11/2024] - Switched from Harvest mode to Classic mode. - Major code refactors. - Improved animations for melee weapons. - Rebalanced Flues. v0.21.4 - [11/6/2024] - Fixed a critical bit stream vulnerability. - Fixed broken bridge spawning. - Added bullet whiz sound effects. - Nerfed USAS-12, M590M, and Flint Stone spawns. - Small improvements to Bombed Armory. - Added awhhmahgawd emote. v0.21.3 - [11/3/2024] - Halloween mode is over. - Redesigned the warehouse. - Improvements to custom teams. - New grass and river bank colors for normal mode. - Updated ammo crate texture. - Fixed all play buttons being disabled when a server can't be reached. - The game now makes up to 3 attempts to query servers for info. - Minor performance improvements and code refactors. v0.21.2 - [11/2/2024] - Fixed an exploit allowing hackers to join games late. - Fixed another exploit with the Lycanthropy perk. - Fixed swapped weapons not being preloaded with ammo. - Fixed weapons dropped from gun mounts glitching through walls (really this time). - Minor improvements to the Costumed perk. - Redesigned normal mode trees. - Decreased rarity of Tango 51. - Increased rarity of RSh-12. v0.21.1 - [11/1/2024] - Fixed a few exploits with the Baby Plumpkin Pie and Lycanthropy perks. - Increased max players per game to 70. - Major airdrop buffs. - Fixed issues with loot from gun mounts glitching through walls. v0.21.0 - [10/31/2024] - Added v2 of Halloween mode. - Added 13 Halloween-exclusive perks. - Buffed Model 89 and DT-11. - Slight tweaks to SKS sprites. - Fixed team pings rendering below airdrop parachutes. v0.20.1 - [10/28/2024] - Tweaked some style issues on assets. - Made loot barrel, gold rock, and Lux crate drop better loot. - Increased loot tree spawn count from 1 -> 4. - Buffed SKS: - Damage 20 -> 23. - Bullet Speed 0.26 -> 0.27. - If not entirely empty reloads 2 rounds at once. - Buffed Model 89 reload speed 0.5 -> 0.4s. - Nerfed M590M spawn rate. - Buffed RSh-12 and Tango-51 spawn rate. - Reduced USAS and M590M range. - Fixed sound panning issue. - Minor server improvements. - Made 2x scope un-droppable for fall mode. v0.20.0 - [10/27/2024] - Added harvest mode. - Added 12 perks. - Added structures: Plumpkin Bunker, Lodge, Barn, Bombed Armory, Tents, Outhouses, and Hay Sheds. - Added guns: SKS (7.62mm DMR), VKS Vykhlop (.50 Cal suppressed sniper), Mk-18 Mjölnir (.338 Lapua Magnum DMR). - Overhaul to matchmaking algorithm. - Reduced max players per game to 60. - Nerfed grenade boosting. - Ammo crates now drop 2-3 pieces of ammo. - The Model 89 is now more common in normal mode. - Increased M1 Garand damage from 39 to 48. - Increased SR-25 damage from 28.5 to 33. - New AK-47, M16A4, and Vector sounds. - New Flues and G19 fire sounds. - Fixed bullets not damaging bushes and tables. - Fixed occasional "Error joining game" issues. v0.19.1 - [9/28/2024] - Fixed "Error joining game" issue - Fixed requesting/dropping ammo not working - Fixed grenades sometimes being thrown to the right on mobile regardless of joystick position - Fixed issues with ghost teammates (hopefully) - Fixed grenades not going over bridges - Fixed bridge spawning issues (mostly) - Fixed missing large bridge hitboxes - Fixed healing particles from players on 1st floor showing on 2nd floor - Fixed airdrop parachute appearing above the gas - Fixed teammate name Z index - Replaced the logo on the loading screen with a png file, which should fix glitches with it on some devices - Fixed mobile players moving 2.5% faster than PC players - Fixed reload icon showing for throwables on mobile - Major structures now spawn more evenly throughout the island - "Not enough space," "Better item equipped," and "Radio cannot be used here" messages are now shown in their respective situations - Added trophy emote - Health regeneration from adrenaline is now linear - The DEagle now spawns rarely as world loot - 2-3 rivers now spawn per map, instead of a fixed 3 - There is now a limit of 1 large river per map - Reverted CZ-600 sounds - Reverted Vepr firing sound - Improved ceiling collapse sound v0.19.0 - [9/22/2024] - Removed Barrett M95. - Added code support for multi story buildings. - Added code support for sliding and automatic doors. - Added new spectate menu (mobile only). - Added new ammunitions: .50 cal and .338 lapua magnum. - Added new throwable: C4. Place it and use the set keybind or use the button in the HUD to detonate it. C4s can be destroyed if shot or punched. - Added new guns: RSh-12 (50 cal assault revolver), Deagle (50cal pistol), L115A1 (338 lapua magnum sniper rifle) - Added new melee weapons: falchion, fire hatchet. - Added new obstacles: metal door, speaker, trash can, trash bag, dumpster, falchion case, golden aegis case, computer desks, glass door, grey office chair, file cart, file cabinet, couch parts, white small couch. - Added new buildings: AEGIS Headuarters, Small Bunker, Blue House. - Added new badges: suroi general chat, suroi logo, colon three. - Added new skins: Gold Tie Event (headquarters only), Ship Carrier (oil tanker ship only), NSD Uniform (armory only). - Added ambient sound to port. - Added a second layout for the red house. - Added a new pickup/switch sound for the Crowbar. - Added pickup/switch sounds to Gas Can and K-bar melee weapons. - Added a new firing sound for CZ-600, ACR, SR-25, Vepr-12, PP-19, Stoner 63 (casing removed from sound), AK-47 (casing removed from sound), MCX Spear. - Added a new reload sound for CZ-600. - Added trash can obstacle to refinery, armory, green house and shed. - Added dumpsters to port. - Added .50 cal and .338 to ammo crates. - Added .50 cal to ground loot table (very rare). - Added a donate button in the menu. - Fixed an issue where dropping throwables would switch to the next throwable slot, resulting in the wrong throwable getting dropped. - Fixed an issue where the health bar animation would get stuck. - Fixed an issue where control panel would reset it's health when used. - Fixed an issue where dropping loot would spawn it in a random circular position. - Fixed an issue where ghillie suit fists would not get tinted in the inventory/weapon slot. - Fixed an issue where the spectating menu would become visible again (if was set to invisible) when switching through players to spectate. - Fixed a bug where crowbar would damage objects through walls. - Fixed a bug where social links would redirect into their page, instead of opening a new tab. - Fixed grenade physics and added additional raycasting collisions to avoid any future bugs. - Fixed some corrupted svg ceilings. - Improved residues for river obstacles. - Model 89 now uses 50 cal ammunition instead of 12.7mm. - Tweaked Model 89 colors (this includes bullet tracer color). - Redesigned cargo ship and oil tanker ship layout. - Redesigned port warehouse ceiling. - Redesigned ammo ui. - Redesigned angry face emote. - Redesigned airdrop crate, particles and aidrop metal crate. - Redesigned gun case texture. - Optimized input code. - Skin loot images not render with fists. - Removed the confirmation alert when reporting a player. ## Balance changes - M16A4: - Damage decreased to 19 (from 21). - Shot spread increased to 2 (from 1). - Move spread increased to 4 (from 2.5). - HP-18 - Shot spread decreased to 18 (from 24). - Move spread decreased to 22 (from 28). - G19 - Shot spread decreased to 5 (from 7). - Move spread decreased to 10 (from 14). - Damage increased to 13 (from 11.75) - Dual G19 - Shot spread decreased to 7 (from 10). - Move spread decreased to 15 (from 18). - CZ-75A - Shot spread decreased to 8 (from 12). - Move spread decreased to 14 (from 19). - Range decreased to 70 (from 85). - Dual CZ-75A - Shot spread decreased to 14 (from 17). - Move spread decreased to 25 (from 35). v0.18.3 - [7/15/2024] - Added ability to ask for special ammos you don't have - Ended radio event - Optimized spritesheets for faster loading - Improved translations - Fixed airdrops spawning on top of each other - The kill leader is now cleared when they disconnect v0.18.2 - [7/4/2024] - Re-added firework launcher and confetti grenade to golden airdrops - Massively increased radio spawn rates - Translated the game into 12 languages - New obstacle: barrel cache - Added swing sounds for more melees - Added shockwave effect for explosions (cooler graphics only) - Removed watermelon skin - Fixed duo mode not working v0.18.1 - [6/20/2024] - New obstacle: tree cache - New melee weapon: hatchet - New skin: lumberjack - Redesigned backpack world images - Backpacks are now tinted based on skin - Trees can now spawn in clumps - Added an option to lock weapon slots - Added "Cooler Graphics" option - Added status text to the loading screen - Added killfeed animations - The birthday event is over - Players now receive kill credit for players they knocked out, but were killed by the gas, bled out, or killed by teammates - Rebalanced map generation - Removed a gap between the large bridge and its sandbags that allowed passing through - Teammate icons now dim when the player disconnects - Tweaked couch texture - Walls are now rendered differently - Fixed teammate names not showing up sometimes - Fixed another infinite grenade glitch - Fixed issues with auto pickup on mobile v0.18.0 - [6/8/2024] - Temporarily added squads - Added large bridge and construction site - Added birthday cake skin and obstacle, firework launcher, confetti grenade, and firework warehouse - Improved moderation system - Added watermelon skin - Added Muller, Hi5, fake, hack = ban, and colon three emotes - Added crawling animation for knocked out players - Added inventory slot animations - Added emote categories - New Mosin top down - New ammo crate, forklift, pallet, couch, and life preserver textures - Improved mobile and spectate controls - Improved loot physics - Badges now display next to names when spectating - Adjusted the length of some reload sounds - Changed the way updates from the server are handled, which should improve smoothness - Added LMGs to briefcase loot table - Adjusted pine tree hitbox - Kill feed is now hidden when map is open - Fixed issues with team pings - Fixed badges - Fixed infinite health by spamming healing items while knocked out - Fixed team emotes working in solo - Fixed players not rendering correctly after being revived - Fixed drop sound not playing when dropping weapons with fists equipped v0.17.1 - [4/20/2024] - The game now switches between solos and duos every 24 hours - Buildings now spawn more evenly throughout the map - Each game now runs on its own thread - Nerfed the gas - The gas now has a higher chance of shrinking towards the edges of the map - Teammates are now removed if they leave within 10 seconds of joining - You now spectate your teammate by default in duos - Spectating previous/next players now loops through the list - Made teammate names cyan and bold for improved contrast - All map pings, except airdrop and arrow pings, now disappear after 10 seconds - Doors no longer close automatically on mobile - Dual guns are now picked up automatically on mobile - Fixed infinite throwable and ammo glitches - Fixed the game not loading on some mobile devices - Fixed throwables not dropping when knocked out - Fixed a bug allowing players to use scopes in buildings - Fixed spawning close to other players - Fixed spawning far away from teammates - Fixed spawning in the same place repeatedly when playing in a custom team with only one player - Fixed crashing on joining game when playing in a custom team - Fixed matching with dead/disconnected teammates - Fixed special skins (e.g. Ghillie Suit) not dropping on death - Fixed health bar animation not updating properly sometimes - Fixed visual glitches with knocked out players - Fixed loot and death markers animating when they shouldn't - Fixed reviving not being canceled when the player being revived despawns - Fixed knocked out players not dying if their teammate despawns - Fixed ping counter always displaying, even if disabled - Fixed misaligned rules close button v0.17.0 - [3/31/2024] - Added duos - Added 3 new guns: MG5, Negev, MG36 - Added green house - Added 7 new skins - Added 2 new emotes - Added option to disable emotes - Redesigned red house - Doubled gas damage - New melee weapon textures - New radio texture - Added ground loot to buildings - New melee crate texture - Ammo crates now drop 10 12.7mm ammo instead of 1 - Small improvements to various textures - Various performance optimizations - New wiki icon on menu - Fixed items glitching through porta potty and refinery walls - Fixed the port spawning on top of rivers - Fixed clicking on players to spectate them - Fixed off center number in action countdown v0.16.2 - [3/3/2024] - Fixed win/death emote related issues causing the server to crash v0.16.1 - [3/3/2024] - Added 5 badges - Fixed snipers not shooting on mobile - Fixed bridge spawning issues - Fixed rivers pushing loot on bridges - Fixed an issue causing the game not to load if you previously had the Fireball skin equipped - Fixed players rendering below tugboat stairs - Fixed glitchy win/death emote selector - Fixed phantom airdrop ping circles - Fixed missing control panel killfeed icon - Mobile home floor and ceiling tweaks - Tweaked oil tanker pipes - New Distant Shores fist image v0.16.0 - [2/25/2024] - Added 3 structures: tugboat, sea traffic control, bridges - Added 2 guns: Model 89, CZ-600, PP-19 - Added river crate - Added lily pads - Added grenade box - Added win and death emotes - Added skin: Distant Shores - Added a loading screen - Scope is now reduced to 1x inside of smoke - Added quit button to spectate menu - Nerfed HP18 - Added 12.7mm and Curadell (radio ammo) to ammo crates - Made rivers slightly narrower - Added a strap to the M1 Garand loot image, to make it easier to tell apart from the Mosin - New Curadell loot image - Improved mobile home and porta potty footstep hitboxes - Removed Fireball and Blueberry Smoothie skins - Fixed grenades sometimes going to the right on mobile regardless of joystick position - Fixed not being able to cycle throwables by clicking/tapping on the slot - Fixed aim line not showing up on mobile v0.15.0 - [1/14/2024] - Added frag grenades and smoke grenades - Added armory and mobile home - Added 2 guns: Vector, Vepr-12 - Redesigned port - Added oil tanker - Added 2 melees: maul, seax - Overhauled UI - Added river rocks - Redesigned 2 skins - Added 6 skins - Disabled winter mode - Increased movement speed slightly - Increased tick rate - The flint stone no longer drops healing items - Adjusted melee weapon stats - Adjusted obstacle multipliers for explosions - Smoke now spawns when airdrops land - The fists icon now changes with the equipped skin - New airdrop ping sound - New dry fire sound v0.14.0 - [12/7/2023] - Winter mode reskin - Added dual wielding - Added circular action timer - Added ability to cancel actions on mobile - Improved river generation - Rivers now render smoothly - Loot now flows down rivers - Prevented players from joining earlier on more active servers, and later on less active ones - Decreased Model 37 fire and switch delays to 900 ms - Increased map grid size - Added 2 emotes: duel, wave - New airdrop killfeed icon - New helmet pickup sound - Fixed airdrops spawning in the gas - Fixed airdrop pings not showing up sometimes - Fixed picking up skins on mobile v0.13.0 - [11/27/2023] - Added airdrops - Added 3 new guns: Barrett M95, M1 Garand, ACR - Added 3 new skins: Stardust, Aurora, Ghillie Suit - Tweaked loot tables - Improved building visibility - Improved river generation - Improved mobile layout - Migrated from Webpack to Vite - The Stoner 63 now has a 1 in 100 chance of spawning in the refinery - Rebalanced guns - Added unique pickup sounds for helmets, vests, and packs - Tweaked kill feed icons - New M1895 switch sound - Updated MP40 reload sound - Obstacles now play only one hit sound at once - 2 blocks of ammo are now dropped along with guns, instead of 1 - Increased maximum size of ammo stacks dropped by dead players - Disallowed extended ASCII characters in usernames - Fixed gas always shrinking to the center of the map - Fixed barrel smoke particles not showing - Fixed door hitbox issues - Fixed used toilets never spawning in the house - Fixed "Connection lost" issue when spectating a winning player - Fixed spectate options not hiding when fullscreen map is shown - Fixed players being promoted to kill leader after death v0.12.5 - [11/18/2023] - New birch tree, mossy rock, and cracked rock textures v0.12.4 - [11/17/2023] - Increased map size - Increased obstacle and building spawn rates - Fixed matchmaking issues v0.12.3 - [11/17/2023] - Fixed matchmaking system issues - Fixed punishment system issues v0.12.2 - [11/13/2023] - Re-added responsive rotation option (formerly client-side prediction) - Updated equipment names - Report system improvements - Major code refactors - The game no longer waits for player counts to load if a server is already selected - Changed default keybinds for using healing items - Fixed inventory corruption issues - Fixed "Error joining game" issues - Fixed issues with auto pickup on mobile - Fixed interact messages saying you can pick up items that you can't - Fixed guns not being switched to automatically when picked up - Fixed issues with disabling mobile controls v0.12.1 - [11/5/2023] - Added kill leader sounds - Added button to spectate kill leader - Added options to import, export, and reset settings - Ended Halloween mode - Added input buffering - Added an option to disable antialiasing - Major code refactors - UI improvements - New default skin: HAZEL Jumpsuit - Rebalanced some guns - Changed equipment names to be less confusing - Changed default keybinds for healing items - Generator now emits smoke when running - Removed random kill words - Improved printer skin - Fixed issues with keybinds resetting - Fixed scope switching not working - Fixed kill messages not being shown when spectating v0.12.0 - [10/29/2023] - Added 2 new guns: USAS-12, G17 (scoped) - Added obstacle: pumpkin - Reskinned trees & blueberry bushes - New menu music - Added 1 new skin - Added 1 new emote - Added 7 new crosshairs - Tweaked gun top downs - New Flues & M1895 reload & switch sounds - Fixed map packet overflow causing the server to crash - Adjusted gas timings to fix "Error joining game" issues - Fixed an issue with the camera being stuck in the top left corner when movement smoothing is disabled - Fixed issues with the Play Again button - Fixed birch and pine trees spawning inside other obstacles - Fixed kill leader issues - Server performance improvements - The AEGIS crate now has a 50% chance to spawn in place of the Tango crate in the ship vault - Scopes now drop from the Tango crate - Fixed issues with shoot on joystick release - Fixed rules & tutorial button being hidden by default - Removed ping counter from server selector - Fixed overlapping containers at the port - Fixed issues with special characters in usernames - Fixed kill feed messages not being colored - Fixed movement keys not working to switch spectators - Fixed rivers below the port slowing players down - Fixed keybind reset button - Fixed "Equip Other Gun" keybind not switching to secondary slot with only 1 gun equipped and melee slot selected - Fixed minimap rendering issues - Fixed container layering issues - The inside of the captain's cabin on the ship is now revealed when near the windows - Added missing killfeed icons - Fixed some missing textures - Fixed silent porta potty doors - Fixed images on news page not loading - M1895 now displays bullet casings only on reload - The M1895 and Flues now display multiple casings - Removed default dev console open keybind v0.11.1 - [10/22/2023] - Fixed issues with guns or shooting or shooting multiple bullets - Fixed black texture issues on lower-end devices v0.11.0 - [10/22/2023] - Added rivers - Added accessible ocean - Added port - Added shipping containers - Added 2 new guns: Flues and M1895 - Replaced house with a new version - Tweaked all gun world images to be shorter - Adjusted hand positioning for all gun world images - Added kill leader mechanic - Adjusted servers to run 3 games, instead of 2 - Added custom crosshairs - Adjusted left joystick to now control rotation as well as movement; rotation is overridden by right joystick - Added an aim line on mobile - Added release to shoot for snipers on mobile - Doors now open automatically on mobile - Added server automatic selection, based on ping - Tweaked the play again button to return players to the game with one click - Added ability to hide under tables - Added option to display coordinates - Added option to hide rules button - Removed join and leave messages - Tweaked ammo to split up when dropped from dead players - Added ability to click on players when spectating to switch to their POV - Added an option to enable old menu music - Tweaked equipment textures - Tweaked all loot backgrounds to be circular - Minor small UI improvements v0.10.2 - [10/10/2023] - Fixed an exploit where a modulus symbol in a username could be used to crash servers v0.10.1 - [9/19/2023] - Improved player and loot physics - Adjusted Mosin-Nagant and Tango 51 fire and switch delays - Fixed gas rendering issues - Fixed particle speed being tied to framerate - Improved game over screen - Tweaked usernames to be limited to ASCII characters only - Fixed phantom healing particles - Added 1 new emote - Tweaked Stoner 63 and tactical vest world images - Fixed issues with sound not playing in Opera and Opera GX browsers - Decreased scope spawning rate - Fixed reloading being interrupted when picking up a gun - Fixed scope animation playing when joining if a scope was equipped in the previous game - Fixed progress bars for reloading and using healing items not stopping on death - Fixed melee weapon layering issues - Increased volume of player hit sound - Fixed issues with door hitboxes not updating - Tweaked porta potty floor texture - Resized warehouse footstep hitbox v0.10.0 - [9/14/2023] "Back with a Bang" - Added refinery - Added 3 skins - Added 1 emote - Added 4 new guns: Stoner 63, SR-25, ARX-160, Mini-14 - Added bullet reflections - Overhauled bullet mechanics - Added beaches and inaccessible ocean - Added sound falloff - Added healing and adrenaline particles - Added bullet shell and muzzle flash particles - Fixed obtsdcale hit particles not showing in correct locations - Added new pine treee texture - Optimized game creation times - Added map place names - Added pickup sounds for healing items and scopes - Tweaked ending screen UI - Tweaked warehouse and porta potty entrances - Tweaked house roof - Improved hitboxes and viewports - Fixed issues with auto loot pickup on mobile - Fixed the force required to activate the right joystick not changing with joystick's size - Added option to loop when switching scopes v0.9.1 - [8/07/2023] - Added in-game rules and tutorial - Added 8 skins - Adjusted respawning times - Overhauled report system UI - Added new menu background - Tweaked tree textures and hitboxes - Added new breaking sound for walls and furniture v0.9.0 - [7/30/2023] "Behind Closed Doors" - Added 3 new buildings: House, Warehouse, and Porta Potty - Added 22 skins - Added 59 emotes - Added 2 new guns: AUG and CZ-75A - G19 is now semi-automatic - Tweaked gun stats - Buffed scopes - Increased game length - Added spectating - Added reporting - Fixed an issue with the game getting stuck on "Connecting..." on older iOS devices - Fixed an issue causing the server to crash occasionally v0.8.0 - [7/17/2023] "Untrodden Lands" - Increased map size - Increased game length - Added new 2 guns: MP 40 and VSS - Added gun slowdown when holding - Added moving spread - Gun icons now follow a simpler style - Added gas movement notifications - Added gas death messages in kill feed - Added a white circle on map showing where gas shrinks to - Heavily tweaked gun stats - Tweaked loot tables - Added Blueberry Bush - The secondary ammo counter now displays the total ammo in the inventory, instead of the gun clip size - The gold rock is no longer shown on the map v0.7.1 - [7/11/2023] - Fixed players not dropping equipment - Fixed issues with mobile controls - Fixed an integer overflow issue with ammo counts v0.7.0 - [7/9/2023] - Added Backpacks - Added Vests - Added Helmets - Added Scopes - Replaced 940 Pro with functionally identical HP18 for easier identification - Added an option for client side prediction, located in settings; Your character now turns instantly, without waiting for a response from the server v0.6.3 - [7/4/2023] - 2 games can now run simultaneously - When 2 players join, the game now starts in 5 seconds instead of instantly - New gauze sound v0.6.2 - [7/3/2023] - Fixed an issue with the text-based kill feed - Fixed an issue causing settings to be wiped when updating v0.6.1 - [7/3/2023] - Fixed a bug in the code that upgrades the config - Fixed a bug causing "Game in progress" to appear only when a game is in progress on the North America server - Fixed scaling issues on mobile - Fixed interact message showing after death - Tweaked kill feed colors; added an option to use a text-based kill feed - New tablets icon v0.6.0 - [7/2/2023] "Tablets & Tweaks" - Healing items can now be picked up and used - Added Tablets - Gun Rarity Changes: Lewis Gun and Tango 51 are more common, MCX Spear is less common - Buffed 940 Pro - Tango 51 can now drop from Gold Rocks - New kill feed system. Kill feed is displayed using icons as default. - Gas damage nerfed, now shrinks completely - Background added to main menu - Redesigned settings user interface - Added options to change minimap and joystick transparency - Added option to adjust joystick size - Added mobile auto-pickup - Improved mobile user interface - Added Featured Youtubr and Featured Streamr - Added South America server, hosted in São Paulo, Brazil - Optimized minimap generation for performance improvements - Minor tweaks to textures and sound effects - Fixed a bug causing reloading to break when picking up a gun - Fixed blood particles not appearing - Fixed opaque obstacles on the minimap - Blood particles no longer appear when the player is damaged by gas v0.5.0 - [6/24/2023] "Locked & Loaded" - Added ammo - Added 2 melee weapons: K-bar, baseball bat - Added 5 guns: Lewis Gun, MCX Spear, Micro Uzi, Tango 51, 940 Pro, M16A4 - Added 5 crates: AEGIS, Flint, gauze, cola, melee - Added 3 obstacles: oil tank, gold rock, birch tree - Added mossy and cracked variants of rock v0.4.0 - [6/17/2023] "Supplies received" - Added loot - Added 4 guns: Mosin-Nagant, Model 37, SAF-200, G19 - Guns now have recoil - Added server selector - Added "Equip Other Gun", "Swap Gun Slots", "Toggle Minimap" keybinds - Added option to disable mobile controls - Increased M3K fire rate and decreased its damage v0.3.2 - [6/10/2023] - Updated logo - Minor bug fixes v0.3.1 - [6/9/2023] - Updated logo - Made minimap slightly transparent - Gas no longer completely closes - Reduced packet sizes v0.3.0 - [6/4/2023] - Added gas - You can now win the game - Added minimap - Added mobile controls - Bullets now spawn at the barrel of the gun instead of at the player body - Fixed a visual bug causing bullets to go in the wrong direction near the edges of the map - Fixed a bug causing the wrong gun to continue firing when quickswitching - Fixed a bug allowing players to see more of the map by zooming out v0.2.0 - [5/28/2023] - Added 2 guns: AK-47, M3K - Health crates - Keybinds v0.1.0 - [5/20/2023] - Basic map generation - Melee combat